SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

GCC及其ACE项目为在家学习的学生提供数百门大学水平的课程, giving them a robust selection of concurrent enrollment opportunities. ACE enables a homeschooled education in the following ways:

  • 在家上学的学生可以获得所需的24个大学学分来满足要求 NYS High School Equivalency Diploma 通过王牌.
  • Courses are taught at all of GCC’s seven campus locations.
  • 精通互联网、准备上大学的学生可以通过GCC学习在线课程 在线学习.
  • 课程可以在网上安排,也可以在校园安排,方便几个在家上学的家庭,针对10个或更多学生的目标群体,等待讲师的可用性.
  • Students explore 和 exp和 their career aspirations through GCC’s 职业服务.
  • GCC’s 首页schooled students enjoy using all of the College facilities including the Transfer Center, 图书馆, 健身中心, 计算机实验室, student clubs 和 organizations, 学生会, Genesee Center for the Arts, 还有更多.

Registering for ACE courses


  1. 填写一张 首页school 招生 Application 和 submit to 斯蒂芬妮Rindell in the ACE Programs office by August 5th for FallJanuary 5th for Spring
  2. Schedule 和 take an ATB (ability to benefit) 放置 Test
  3. 提交你的 首页school Registration through the ACE Programs office Registration Deadlines:
    • FALL – AUGUST 15th
    • SPRING – JANUARY 15th
  4. 提交一个 Certificate of Residence once each year to avoid double 学费收费

NYS High School Equivalency Diploma

To assist homeschool families, the ACE Office developed a 首页school 招生 Checklist by discipline, based 24 earned college credit hour policy for a 纽约 State Education Department’s High School Equivalency Diploma. 24学时学术检查表上的大多数课程都在GCC的校园中心举行, 和 are available as open registration classes for homeschool students. Please note the following:

  • Students under the age of 18 pay the ACE rate of $76.30 per credit hour for courses on the approved list.
  • Tuition balance is paid through a scholarship fund; however withdrawing from any courses makes the student responsible for the full Genesee Community College regular 学费收费.
  • 课程满足高中同等学历和学分转换要求.
  • 学生必须在注册之前安排“受益能力”(ATB)考试,以确保他们不会对所选课程感到过度或缺乏挑战.
  • 大学预科课程(MAT 091, MAT 092, ENG 091, REA 091)可以通过ATB安排. These courses will be covered by the scholarship, 但不计入高等效文凭的24学分


ACE计划感谢在家上学的学生对我们大学社区的贡献. 我们的目标是帮助在家上学的学生从申请开始到GCC的毕业过渡到公立大学环境, 也有可能转到四年制大学获得学士或更高学位.

Q. After homeschooling my three children since first grade, 我的一些朋友告诉我,大学不喜欢接受在家上学的学生,其他人告诉我这没关系. What is your opinion?

答:大多数学院和大学都接受在家学习的学生,但他们对如何评估在家学习的课程有自己的政策. 在GCC的ACE课程中,我们更愿意为每个在家上学的学生提供单独的建议. 我们通过(ATB)能力受益分班测试来评估他们的学术地位, 和 equally important, 我们帮助学生探索他们的职业兴趣,并报名参加最适合他们未来的课程.

Q. 我的一个朋友说,她的女儿15岁时就开始在杰纳西社区大学上课. How does this work?

答:任何18岁以下的在家上学的学生如果通过了(ATB)能力受益分班测试,都可以通过GCC的ACE计划开始大学课程. ACE项目让在家接受教育的学生有机会参加大学水平的课程,学费仅为GCC通常学费的三分之一左右.

Q. Where are ACE courses offered?

A: While many ACE courses are offered in area high schools, 在家上学的学生既可以在巴达维亚主校区上课,也可以在丹斯维尔的校园中心上课, 麦地那和华沙.  除了, 在家上学的学生被鼓励报名参加任何符合他们时间表的大学课程, 只要他们通过了(ATB)能力受益分班测试或满足任何课程特定的先决条件.

Q. It’s hard for us to teach the sciences at home. Does ACE offer courses in Biology, Chemistry, or Physics?

是的. 学生可以从我们的认可课程列表中注册任何科学课程. As a matter of fact, with a threshold of ten students who need a particular course, GCC和ACE将在方便的时间和校园中心为任何10人或以上的家庭学生提供本课程. 假设你和一群来自其他家庭的学生需要大学水平的生物学课程. If you can recruit at least ten students, we’d be happy to offer say, 人类生物学(BIO102)或化学入门(CHE100)在我们的实验室之一为您的小组.

Q. I’ve heard that students can study at home 和 receive credit. Can my child enroll this way?

答:绝对. You’re probably thinking about our online eLearning courses 和 degrees. 这些课程由相同的教师教授,涵盖与课堂上相同的课程. Elearning students must have a computer, high-speed internet connection, 他们应该是积极主动的学生,愿意根据自己的时间表独立工作.

Q. 一旦我的孩子通过参加GCC的ACE课程获得了纽约高中同等文凭, can he or she stay at GCC to earn an associate degree?

当然可以! 但是,一旦您的孩子获得24个大学学分,ACE学费折扣将终止. The transition to becoming a regular GCC student is seamless. 不需要进一步申请,他可以很容易地继续他可能与教师建立的联系, 朋友, student clubs 和 other involvements.

Q. 对于我的儿子或女儿来说,获得纽约高中同等文凭进入四年制大学或机构有多容易?

答:所有的学院和大学都有自己独特的招生和录取程序, 但是,拥有社区大学的学分,良好的学术地位和一篇反映严肃教育兴趣的强有力的申请论文可能是有利的.

首页school 资源

GCC references the following websites for informal, 仅供参考,与这些组织没有正式联系或隶属关系.

首页 School Curriculum 资源 websites:

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